Not All Dollars Are Created Equal

Personal wealth building isn’t as hard as many people might think, but it does require a completely different set of habits that most of us are already used to. Many people don’t realize that it doesn’t take any more energy to succeed in building financial freedom than it does to fail. However, achieving this freedom does require smart investing and good wealth building habits, and those are not common knowledge.

In this article, we’ll be looking at some of the wealth building habits which are common to people who already have financial freedom. As you develop these habits, you’ll find that not all dollars are created equal. Instead, you’ll find that the value of a dollar areas depending on whether or not it’s being used by someone who understands smart investing and good money management.

Three Smart Investing Habits

There are three Smart investing habits which are common to anyone who succeeded in personal wealth building:

1. Simplicity

Smart investing plans are never overly complicated or sophisticated. Instead, smart investors only invest in things which they understand; this way they can effectively manage their risk and their emotions. When you over-complicate your investing plan, you have a harder time understanding the ebb and flow as you watch your returns fluctuate. This makes it tempting to bail out of the investment early, which is one of the reasons people don’t achieve long-term success with their investing.

2. Consistency

The popular financial coach and radio personality Dave Ramsey said: “a little bit of consistent effort equals a lot of results, while a LOT of inconsistent effort doesn’t equal much.” This is certainly true when it comes to investing. The more consistent you are in making investing habits, the easier it will be for you to stay committed and to achieve results. This is where the third smart investing habit comes into play…

3. Patience

One of the leading reasons why people fail to achieve such freedom is they expect results too soon. They want a lot of return in exchange for a little bit of effort, and thus they get involved in overly complicated investments or they change their investing plan too often to master any one type of investing.

If you want to get the most value out of your dollars and achieve in accomplishing financial freedom, you must adopt the wealth building habits which have made others successful: simplicity, consistency, patience. These are the foundation of effective personal wealth building and the keys to your success.

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Posted in Creating Wealth, Developing Wealth, Financial Freedom, Maintaining Wealth, Personal Finance

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